Tender Wishes

A poem by Nancy Fijan

Tender wishes – O, Sweet tender wishes…

For your heart to fill with my unwavering, pure, passionate love,
For your mind to cleanse, calming past and present turbulent storms,
For your body to thrive beyond love, vibrantly alive – to still kiss me when we’re seventy,
For your soul to forge bountiful beauty, forever gracing the world with melodious bliss.

Tender wishes – O, Sweet tender wishes…

For all your dreams to majestically manifest through your brilliant eyes,
For all your fears to float away as you steer your boat on its destined course,
For all your desires to satiate your exquisite and voracious appetite,
For all your faults to brandish the noble, true-hearted, chivalrous man within.

Tender wishes – O, Sweet tender wishes…

For countless magical moments to make you smile and laugh each day,
For timeless sunsets to soothe and lull you into a peaceful slumber each night,
For a lifetime of spontaneous adventure to comfort and nurture your vagabond blues,
For all the stars to keep divinely aligned, your guardian angel always at your feet.

5 Replies to “Tender Wishes”

  1. Nancy, You are a beautiful wordsmith and i will surely keep reading these poems for many a year to come. I was able to take some wonderful feelings from reading this piece and knowing you and all your amazingness. Thank you for sharing, Much love


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